Monday 27 April 2009

Why has Kevin Zhao left Goldman?

It doesn't make any goddamn sense. Why has Kevin Zhao left Goldman Sachs Asset Management and joined the fixed income team at Union Bancaire Privee?

It's a mystery.

Couldn't he find the burning love he was looking for at Goldman, even though love burns forever there? He must have experienced it. Did his dream of money turn into a vicious nightmare? Did ghosts reach for him at night, their ghostly hands around his neck? Was he scared? Did he ask himself the question we all ask ourselves before turning out the light and slipping into an unreal world of nothingness that actually seems all too real?

O Kevin, why did you run away from Goldman? What do you think the fixed income team at Union Bancaire Privee will do for you? Will it hide your destiny from you? No! You cannot leave your ghosts behind, and money will burn you wherever you are. Run from Goldman, and Goldman will chase you. There is no escape!