Thursday 27 January 2011

Rolling in the desert with Thanos Ballos

He does so much, this Thanos Ballos. Such a busy man. He is a founding partner of Strategic Investments Group, managing director of SIG (Deutschland), a director of Permal Strategic Funds, and chairman of Strategic Active Trading Funds. But in his spare time he likes to relax. And I don't blame him. There's nothing he likes more than to roll around in the astral desert. That's something we can all relate to, isn't it?

Rolling, Thanos, keep rolling. This is time we hang on to him blood pouring from our eyes and ears he goes rolling off we hang on to him with our smashed faces our smashed teeth he keeps rolling and we roll with him forever let's roll the pain away let's roll death away look into his heart this is what he wants pumping blood out into the sand mixed with our teeth our sick bodies decayed in sunlight and moonlight we will do anything to escape with Thanos so keep rolling boy keep rolling until you are just a big ball of flesh with bones sticking out we can't get more satisfaction this is the best we can hope for you would I would be happy now children and you would be happy too love this keep rolling man keep rolling until there is no death no pain they don't know the holes in the ceiling back home with rain coming through they don't know the plaster off the walls so let's keep rolling and then we will forget as well we roll to oblivion we are on our way to nowhere and it feels so good it feels like heaven and we keep on with Thanos because he's the one in front he's the one with the right attitude the desire the intensity to make it happen so we roll rolling with him in sands beautiful soul keeps rolling on and on we go rolling rolling on and on we go and on we go bleeding we go laughing we go on and on Christ on and on and on rolling rolling rolling it is life. Rolling, Thanos, keep rolling.