Monday 23 February 2015

Ken Griffin is giving money away!

$10 million! / Yeah, the founder and chief executive of Citadel. I haven't written about him before. Why not? 'Maybe he wasn't giving money away before, boss. Who is he giving to?' Well, Voice, I would like to say he was giving me the money, you know? 'Yeah. Who is he giving it to?' The Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago. 'Ha! As if they need the money!' I know, man. Why can't they just sell a few paintings or a few of those modern cockamamie "installations", if they're so hard up? 'It's greed, Mikey. Pure and simple. Enough is never enough with that sort. Meanwhile, you don't even know where the next luxury soup is coming from, the kind you have to keep in the fridge.' Er ... well, I do actually. Morrisons. I'm going to get some later. £1.10 a carton. 'Wow!' Yeah. Big time.

Oh, by the way, dear reader(s), I couldn't find Ken Griffin's LinkedIn profile. I guess a cat like him wouldn't have one, unless it was fake. However, I found this: Kenneth Griffin is the founder and chief executive officer of Citadel. A diverse financial institution, the Citadel group includes Citadel, an industry-leading alternative asset manager; Citadel Securities, one of the leading liquidity providers in America’s capital markets; and Citadel Technology, a solutions provider for investment management technology. Which probably ain't news to you. It ain't really news to me. I don't even know why I mentioned it. The thing is - 'Boss!' What, Voice? 'Wikipedia says Mr Griffin gave $150 million to Harvard last year.' Oh, this is taking the piss now! Why on earth does Harvard need $150 million?! Is there some particular reason why our Ken - a lovely guy, I'm absolutely convinced - can't give some of his money away to the starving millions, starting with me?! 'The rich just keep getting richer, Mikey. It's the way of the world.' Yeah. Christ! We need a fucking revolution, son. That's what we need. 'Fuckin' A!' They can only push us so far ...

After lunch, of course. Have you ever tried starting a REVOLUTION(!) on an empty stomach, dear reader(s)? I don't recommend it. Let me have my cheese sandwich first.


Anything else? Dreams?! Oh boy, I had musical dreams all night long. Weird songs, and a video for one song. And weird attempts to record my demo. Hours of it! / The final dream was pretty amusing. Just before I woke up, I dreamt I was singing Night and Day - with Frank Sinatra watching me! I was surprised at how well I was doing, and Sinatra looked at me with an expression that seemed to say, You're doing all right, kid. Maybe it's a good omen ...

Oh, man, listen to the guitar on this track!